~This is the story of our journey to adopt what was a waiting angel in Eastern Europe. Gabby has been home now for over a year and is the greatest blessing we have ever been given! Through our many tears of joy, hope, fear, determination, and anticipation shared during this experience.......we hope you will be inspired to take part in changing the life of another waiting angel/orphan~

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 2 of the 10 day wait period

Two of ten days down before we can start paperchasing and working towards busting our sweet girl out of the baby house for her new life in America!!!  Today went great with Gabby's visits...as always. This little girl shows us more and more each day all of the wonderful potential she has and just how special she is.

P.S.  Remember...you can view the latest posts by scrolling to the bottom of each post and clicking the "older post" link or by clicking the specific links to each day on the left side of this screen.

Also, I've noticed everyone is leaving their comments on my facebook page instead of here.  Can someone tell me if the blog is acting up or is it just easier to post on facebook?

I will try to update tomorrow :)

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Jason & Sylvia